Lock Jockey’s Rapid Entry Tools

The original Lock Jockey flip-latch bypass tool is credited for saving thousands of dollars in potential property damage, and has been documented in life saving rescues! This simple but useful tool is easy to deploy and inexpensive enough that anyone from a patrol officer to an EMT, from a U.S. Marshal serving a warrant to a security guard checking the welfare on a hotel guest can afford one. The unique, patented design makes short work of disengaging the flip-latch utilized in hundreds of thousands of hotel rooms worldwide.
Every hotel, motel, inn, cruise ship and anyone else in the hospitality industry who utilizes standard flip-latch style locks as a secondary means of providing security to rooms should have the Lock Jockey available! Accessing rooms in which the welfare of a guest is in question, room overstays, accidental engagement of a flip-latch, young children locked in a room due to playing with the flip-latch and many more scenarios call for the use of the Lock Jockey. Hundreds, even thousands of dollars in damage can be avoided by utilizing the Lock Jockey tool even one time in a lockout situation. Forcing the door open can rip the flip-latch off the door frame, damage the door and even cause loss in revenue due to room damage. The Lock Jockey flip-latch bypass tool makes short work of disengaging the flip-latch without risk of damage to the door.
Flip-Latch Bypass Tool
The Lock Jockey flip-latch bypass tool can and has been used by Law Enforcement Professionals in situations of check welfare calls, search warrants, arrest warrants, room overstays, drug labs in hotels and many more scenarios. In non-dynamic entry situations the Lock Jockey can be quickly and effectively deployed to minimize risk of damage to doors and their locking components. The tool does not disengage primary locking mechanisms. However, it quickly and effectively disengages the flip-latch in mere seconds. Generally Law Enforcement Professionals are able to obtain a secondary key card or key to the room they need to access. The trouble comes when, after swiping the key card or using the key to disengage the primary locking mechanism, the flip latch is found to be engaged. This is an obvious sign that the room is occupied. In the past, officers had no choice but to force the door open in order to gain entry into the room. This would cause considerable damage to doors and door frames, potentially costing the agency or the property hundreds of dollars in repair fees. Utilization of the Lock Jockey to disengage the flip-latch mitigates the potential damage saving hundreds of dollars on a single deployment. It is easy to see that the Lock Jockey flip-latch bypass tool more than pays for itself in a single use!
Find out more about the Flip-Latch Bypass Tool.
Lock Jockey International is in the process of developing and bringing to market additional bypass tools for a host of other devices. Additional information will be added as the tools become available.

Lock Jockey Distributor Pack (20 Tools)
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